Sunday, 6 November 2016

Official enterprise idea

 I have set up an independent TV company (Dream Patrol Productions) that uses 360 cameras to create sitcoms and other content for YouTube or any other channel if they want to partner up.

Here is my pitch:

 I have some TV experience that will aid me with my  independent TV company, and I am pretty good with studios, writing and working with a group, which will help when I develop this enterprise further.

Strengths of my Enterprise
Strengths of my idea is that this is a new idea that uses 360 cameras to create a sitcom. So because this uses 360 cameras you would be fully immersed in the sitcom as you could see everyone anytime you want so rather the director guiding you, you as the user, would be in control.

So the enterprise would be strengthened by the fact that there is something new which could bring in other people to work with us.

The cost may be low as I would only be suing one camera, one studio and one cast for a day.

Weaknesses of my Enterprise
Some of the weaknesses of the idea could that that the big cast to be good together, they may not know each other at first so it may be awkward or it could be hard for them to make it funny. I may have to hire a director to help me work at the kinks of capturing the best parts.

Capturing the sitcom would be a free fall, start to end no stops may take a tall on the cast, I may need ways to inspire them to make the videos as funny as possible.

Also, as the cast would be alone while filming, as the 360 camera would capture everything around it, the set would need to be made in a circle so that you can alone see the cast. Meaning they would need to be, in a way, self directors.

Which brings me to the cast, the casting director would have to be good and be able to find funny people who work well together.

With switching as there maybe too many moving around as you could lose who is talking and it may annoy some users. 

360 camera

Screen shot from Amazon.
You ask what is a 360 camera, well it captures everything around it. Below is a 360 camera from Amazon for £106.99 – link:

The camera is good But I will kept looking as I want the best camera for my company so that the content is 10/10.

Explaining is sometimes better by showing here is a video I found from YouTube that uses a 360 camera:

Infinity Wisdom Media

Infinity wisdom media is an enterprise that creates 360 videos VR content for pretty popular companies like Sony for promotion and commercial agents.

They could be a possible competitor as they create 360 videos but they create them for commercial reasons which is different to me as I would be creating a sitcom, and they are an agency and I am an independent TV company.

I decided to compare my idea with them because it seems interesting that they haven't necessarily tried to make other things like a sitcom.

I have seen some of their content and it is pretty good, I like their new way of thinking which is something I want to do with my enterprise.

Seeing their website I saw that they work with pretty big companies so they need to be working at a top level.

Check out this:

Initial market research
Since I started my market research I am continuing it here.
Next stage of my market research is making a plan:
360 sitcom: would young people actually want to watch this, survey young people in Birmingham if they would watch a sitcom on YouTube or any other online provider and watch a sitcom that would be captured by 360 camera.
If so…
Sitcom: is it just a sitcom that young people would want to watch it so my plan is to survey young people whether they would be interested in watching anything other than a sitcom. Why would they want to watch something else other than a sitcom?

Funding I will look into further like getting initial funding from Kickstarter but I Willa also look into see whether a channel like for example the BBC would want to commission my idea, to work with my Company and make my dream come true.

I used twitter to promote this blog on it to expand may networking @(LSzalbot), some people did retweeted my tweet which promoted this blob

Market Research

Initial Market Research for Dream Patrol Productions (name of my company)

Is there a need for this product in the market?
With 360 cameras and VR becoming more used there will be a time when TV industry may use it that's why I am starting now with a sitcom that challenges the normal format of a sitcom. The traditional Multi-cam sitcom has decreased in numbers, it is not popular enough (unless you’re the big band theory) and I would spice things up with my company (Dream Patrol Productions) in the market.

Do my products meet specific market needs?
I believe the market needs would be:
- Innovative idea: yes it is innovative, not many sitcoms that use 360 cameras.
- Would Consumers want to watch my content: from what I gathered like asking people they seem       to be into the idea.
- Sitcom: would I just make sitcoms or is there a market for anything else.

• Is my pricing fair and competitive?
As I setting up an independent TV company generally in this field consumers do not pay, unless you have Sky or Virgin but as I will be probably putting this on YouTube consumers won't have to pay for the content unless they want to (Patreon Account).

Independent TV company - Idea

I am still making a independent TV company but I will be making a sitcom were it is all recorded on a 360 camera.

My Origin story
Origin: the first video I saw that used a 360 camera, I was hooked my brother showed me and I was, well shocked hence I wan to use this to create something that I am interested in. I like sitcoms and putting a cast in a funny situation may work with the camera.

I thought of it as magic, the video as you know that when a video is on YouTube the image can move but when the camera moves not you moving the iPad and the image moves as well. So can you not think it isn't magic.

Hence, setting up an independent TV company that uses  a 360 camera for a TV show would be awesome and innovative.

Personal Development
My personal DS tasks – think of a company name.

Starting my entrepreneurial idea

In our first entrepreneurial meeting we discussed what will come of the module and how we will be assessed.

Initial idea
I had an initial idea for an enterprise company which is to create a independent TV company that would reveal what happened to our world. To investigate cases where a film flopped and see maybe why it flopped.
Also, see why things like Twerking is so popular and how some of these words came to be.

Personal Development
My personal DS task – develop or think about another idea. P.S it is defiantly to create an independent TV company but others revealed that it isn't interesting enough.

Sunday, 9 October 2016

Creativity in a website

In this week (week 2) we looked at creativity in some form or another and we were asked to look at two media enterprise websites and review them. Below is the first one:

1. CodePen - link:

I used this website before in a previous year and I really like the website in design, its simple to use (if you know what you are doing) and some of the thing that you can create are pretty awesome.

On the home page you can see the latest picked pens that some really awesome people created, they are visually stunning hence I picked this website.

The website has jobs for people who do coding which helps people who want to get a paid job in this profession then they can check them out and see. Including jobs which you can an find at the top of the home page, you can an also, find: pens, posts, collections, blog, store and Go Pro.

Then you have the login in and sign up and new pen buttons which differentiates that tab to the buttons.

The website is free to use once you sign up except there are a few things you can do when you are a member, for example you can make your pens private and only the people you want them to view will be able to view them.

2. Infinity Wisdom Media -

This enterprise is a commerce and promos agency producing high-end video content. They create content for major brands including Jaguar Land Rover, Oxfam and Sony. Creating VR and 360 videos.

Their website uses their main colour which is green, above their navigation bar they have their name and their logo and above that they have their contact details and social media.

Which is helpful as you have everything you need to see more of them from different sides. On the navigation bar they have: Home, about us, our work, our services, case studies, contact us and 8 step side.

Below this, they have an image of their work I believe and has a question that invites a company to if they want something that infinity Wisdom media could do for them which then

I was thinking over the week about a mission statement and this what I came up with:
Innovation is part of a bigger picture, it also includes: fun, Vision and education.